
🌸 復古文青風 X 精美印花!錦源興印花系列,結合台灣經典紋樣,推出質感包袋、精緻收納袋 & 文青襪款!傳統工藝 X 現代設計,讓日常穿搭更有品味。🎐✨

  • 經典台灣印花設計:結合傳統元素,復古文青風格,時尚百搭。
  • 高質感面料:耐用、透氣、不易變形,適合日常使用。
  • 多功能包袋:適合手提 & 側背,輕鬆收納日常用品,實用又好看!
  • 舒適文青襪款:棉質親膚,透氣吸汗,復古風圖案,細節滿分!


In 1923, Gímgoânheng was established by the founder Mr. Siang Jhang at Shennong Street in Tainan. The main business were cloth import, dyeing and finishing, wholesale and retail. Gímgoânheng gradually developed into an important fabric supplier during the time of Japanese Colonial Period and the Retrocession of Taiwan. However, with the transformation of the industry and the change in consumption patterns, the cloth industry has gradually receded. After nearly a hundred years later today, Gímgoânheng was re-established and transformed into “Gímgoânheng Fabrics,” “Gímgoânheng Goods,” and “Gímgoânheng Gallery.” With local culture as the warp and creative aesthetics as the weft, through the design of printed fabrics, the research and development of daily necessities, and the planning of arts and cultural activities, Gímgoânheng continues to inherit the true spirit of the century-old fabric store.
